
Slow Food East End is seeking applicants for a Slow Food Master Farmer Position to support the expanding network of Edible School Gardens on the North and South Forks of Eastern Long Island.

Slow Food East End Master Farmer


Master Farmers support the growth of the local school garden movement by advising Edible School Garden representatives on the planning, creation, maintenance and/or sustainable continuation of their school gardens. As each school garden is different in scope, ascertaining the needs and goals of the individual school gardens and suggesting ways to achieve these goals using local networks and resources will be an important aspect of this position.


Master Farmers cover approximately six schools in a geographically designated area (on the North Fork or South Fork) but can sometimes work on special projects that align with their talents and skill sets. Master Farmers are not expected to maintain gardens; they are expected to offer advice that will promote the sustainability and success of garden programs.

Slow Food East End Principles

Slow Food East End works to create a food system based on the principles of high quality and taste, environmental sustainability, and social justice—in essence, a food system that is good, clean and fair. Through our educational programs and efforts, we seek to move our culture away from the destructive effects of an industrial food system and towards the cultural, social and economic benefits of a local and sustainable food system, which celebrates regional food traditions and the pleasures of the table.

Joshua Levine Memorial Foundation

Josh loved living on the East End of Long Island. He was enamored with its beauty, history and its potential for providing a wonderful place to create a home and raise a family. As a farmer, Josh gained satisfaction from planting seeds in the rich earth, seeing them take root, helping them mature, harvesting the bounty and finally tasting the rewards. The mission of the Joshua Levine Memorial Foundation is to support charitable programs in which Josh had an interest, including organic farming, photography and education. www.joshualevinememorialfoundation.org

Edible School Gardens Group

The Edible School Gardens Group works closely with educators and schools with gardens and/or greenhouses to teach students and their families about food, how to grow and prepare it. Currently, there are over 25 school districts with garden programs on the East End of Long Island. The Edible School Garden Group has published the Nutritious Delicious FoodBook to demystify food, nutrition and cooking

Slow Food Master Farmers will

Assist designated Edible School Garden members on the North or South Fork of Long Island in the planning, creation and maintenance of their school gardens using local school community resources and networks. Assistance may include: site design and layout, the creation of planting and harvest schedules, greenhouse growing techniques, instruction in organic farming principles, the art and science of composting and curriculum development.

Contact their assigned school garden representatives at least one time monthly.

Advise members on how to set and accomplish individual garden goals and provide technical and/or horticultural advice. The Master Farmer will not be responsible for the maintenance of or working in the garden. Master Farmers should encourage a sustainable system that can function independently.

Attend monthly Slow Food Education/Edible School Garden Meetings, and the Annual Joshua Levine Memorial Cocktail Party. Master Farmers will be reimbursed for their attendance. Master Farmers may attend Slow Food East End social events and educational events at no charge. However, these hours are not billable unless the Master Farmer receives prior approval from Slow Food East End.

Serve as a liaison between Slow Food East End, Joshua Levine Foundation, the Edible School Garden Group and designated school gardens on the North or South Fork, communicating the needs of and issues concerning school gardens to the Slow Food Education/Edible School Garden Leaders.

Send a quarterly accounting of hours and actions, in the form of an activity log, to the Master Farmer Coordinator who will share it with the Slow Food East End Chair and Treasurer. Failure to submit activity logs for 2 consecutive quarters may result in the termination of the Master Farmer.

Share experiences and knowledge with garden representatives at Edible School Garden meetings.

Maintain membership in Slow Food East End (membership cost for the first year is reimbursed by SFEE.)


Slow Food East End will pay master farmers a stipend of $25/per hour, $5,000.00 annually. These are year round positions and hours (approximately 16.5 hours per month) should be distributed accordingly. Time spent in the gardens will depend on the season; some months will be more time intensive than others. Stipends will be paid in quarterly installments, the amount of which will depend on the Master Farmer’s activity. The Master Farmer’s activity and quarterly stipend will be monitored by the Master Farmer Coordinator and by the Treasurer.

At the close of the calendar year, December 31st, Master Farmers will submit a brief written evaluation of the program and their annual Renewal Agreement to Slow Food Leadership. Positions are reviewed and renewed annually based on performance and funding.

Application Process

The deadline for applications is Friday June 9, 2017. Finalists will be notified by Friday July 7, 2017 and an interview will be scheduled.

Please Submit

Resume and brief Letter of Intention by email to: education@slowfoodeastend.org

The Master Farmer Program is made possible by the generosity of the Joshua Levine Memorial Foundation