Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to bread, we invite you to join our effort to help feed our community delicious and nutritious food through our Flower Power initiative.
Flour Power is a way members of the community can provide home-baked loaves of bread to local food pantries. The goal is to nourish and bring joy to people through a personal touch. Each cycle of Flour Power provides loaves baked by the community to pantries like the North Fork Spanish Apostolate in Riverhead and CAST North Fork in Southold. Baking cycles take place every 2 weeks.
Anyone can register to bake. Simply sign up and we will send you the recipe that is for 4 loaves; each baker keeps one loaf and donates three. There are designated drop-off points on the North and South Forks (when you register you will receive dates and locations for drop-off.) Please keep in mind that our locations are expanding as we grow.