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Flour Power Baking

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to bread, we invite you to join our effort to help feed our community delicious and nutritious food through our Flower Power initaitive. Flour Power is a way members of the community can provide home-baked loaves of bread to local food pantries. The goal is to nourish and […]

Flour Power Baking

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or new to bread, we invite you to join our effort to help feed our community delicious and nutritious food through our Flower Power initaitive.

Chef Series: Cooking Beans and Pulses with Chef Peter Berley

Slow Food East End cooking demo with Chef Peter Berley, showcasing Beans and Pulses. Beans truly are the staff of life, from the old world to the new world beans have fed and nourished our bellies and soils. Slow Food East end would like to invite you to a demonstration with Chef Peter Berley in […]